Just One Q podcast cover with guest Sydney Butler

Creating more inclusive and accessible workplaces | Sydney Butler

How can we create more accessible workplaces through our language?

On this episode of Just One Q, Dominique chats with guest Sydney Butler, an HR Professional, Speaker, DEIB Facilitator, Accessibility & Neurodiversity Consultant, and Founder of Accessible Creates. They highlight the importance of nurturing neurodiverse talent and some specific and positive practices to create more accessible workplaces.


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Sydney Butler

Accessibility & Neurodiversity Consultant | Accessible Creates

Sydney is an HR Professional, Speaker, DEIB Facilitator, Accessibility & Neurodiversity Consultant, and Founder of Accessible Creates. Sydney’s professional purpose is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be successful regardless of barriers in their way, and their professional goal is to remove these barriers.

They conduct training and consulting to help companies be more Accessible and Inclusive from a Human approach and to help them recruit and retain more diverse individuals through the lens of Human Resources and DEI.

Sydney is also a Founding Member of InHeartSight (IHS) which is a diverse community of professionals from across Canada filling the gap in existing services for recent women immigrants.


Neurodivergent people make great leaders, not just employees

Fast Company

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