Mental Wellness at Work

Mental wellness isn’t a checkbox, it’s a culture. This intermediate-level program explores how leaders and colleagues can promote wellness by focusing on recognition, influence, involvement, work-life balance, clear expectations, and other psychological health and safety factors identified by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

TOPIC: Collaboration
LEVEL: Intermediate
Key Concepts
  • Reducing stigma around mental health and “sanist” workplace cultures
  • Destigmatizing substance use and and providing non-punitive supports
  • Avoiding unhealthy competition and cultures that reward overwork
  • Addressing bullying and harassment
  • Using flexibility and accommodation to avoid job strain
  • Creating opportunities for consultation, feedback, and recognition
  • Building a culture of physical health and safety
  • Allowing religious and cultural self-expression to promote belonging
Core Skills & Behaviours
  • Recognizing and challenging “sanist” beliefs and biases in oneself
  • Advocating for policies and practices that support mental health
  • Centering the needs of others and relating empathetically to support psychological safety
Snippet Title Topic Covered


Where Should I Pray?

Illustrates the importance of religious inclusion to mental wellness in the workplace. Suggests seeking company-wide solutions when policies and practices are not religiously and culturally inclusive.


The Cannabis Conundrum

Shows the connection between substance use and mental health. Recommends workplace supports and destigmatization instead of “zero tolerance” policies.


Who Gets the Glory?

Demonstrates the importance of recognition for everyone, not just high-status employees. Suggests that every person should contribute to a culture of recognition.


The Surprise Announcement

Shows that influence and involvement are key to mental wellness in the workplace, particularly for people whose identities are already marginalized. Suggests consultation and feedback mechanisms and Employee Resource Groups as solutions.


Katie’s Kids

Demonstrates the value of work-life balance and strong boundaries for mental wellness. Suggests that colleagues with caretaking responsibilities benefit from planning and flexibility rather than a culture of overwork.


The Offset

Highlights the importance of alignment between work and values with emphasis on the experience of Millennial and GenZ workers.


She’s Unpredictable

Demonstrates how stigma in the workplace negatively impacts people who have or who develop mental health challenges. Suggests supportive actions colleagues can take when someone’s struggle becomes apparent.


The Headache

Highlights the impact of workplace health and safety on employees’ mental wellness. Encourages appropriate levels of concern and escalation for health and safety issues.


The Indian Guys

Demonstrates how casual or subtle acts of racism can be compounded, affecting mental wellbeing. Suggests developing clear standards of conduct instead of minimizing missteps.


The Deadline

Shows how to respond to colleagues’ shortcomings while maintaining psychological safety. Emphasizes the role of leaders in modeling mental health awareness.

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