Leadership 101

This is an introductory course that’s ideal for new or emerging leaders. It invites leaders to reflect on their own leadership style and builds core competencies to help leaders get the best work from their team members. The program is based on the work of Liz Wiseman, a researcher, executive advisor, the CEO of the Wiseman Group, and the best-selling author of “Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter.” It is co-developed with Jennifer Porritt, CHRL, CTDP. Jennifer is the founder and principal consultant of JP Consulting, a firm offering custom leadership training plans built on award-winning and notable tools. She brings 25+ years of experience in the Human Resources industry and has empowered more than 5,000 individuals and led more than 475 trainings.

TOPIC: Leadership
LEVEL: Introductory
Core Skills & Behaviours​
  1. Developing strengths: Learners practice recognizing the various strengths of their team members, connecting them with opportunities, and removing obstacles to growth.
  2. Challenging and motivating: Learners let go of micromanaging tendencies by extending clear and concrete challenges, building in functional milestones, and celebrating victories.
  3. Decision-making: Learners practice making a plan ahead of engaging in decision-making conversations to build trust and safety while moving through tough decisions.
  4. Accountability: By defining ownership, providing resources, and allowing small doses of natural consequences, leaders can create a motivating form of accountability on their team.

Snippet Title Topic Covered


First Pitch

Encourages leaders to identify, develop, and leverage the strengths of their team to boost performance and attract top talent.


We Tried Everything

Shows that leaders can encourage performance and growth by keeping standards high and creating a safe environment.


Small But Costly

Shows how to leverage inevitable mistakes as learning opportunities rather than covering them up or shaming team members.


The Kickoff

Demonstrates the importance of setting clear goals and seeding opportunities to leverage team members’ skills.


The Long Haul

Shows how leaders can leverage “quick wins” and functional milestones to keep their team motivated through long or challenging projects.


A Big Decision

Demonstrates the importance of carefully considering the approach to decision-making and communicating this transparently with team members.


Just an Idea

Shows how leaders should create safety to encourage their team’s best thinking, but also demand evidence and accountability.


We All Agree

Presents strategies for drawing out the ideas and perspectives of all team members, rather than making decisions based solely on the dominant perspective.


Can You Help?

Shows how leaders support growth by assigning ownership of problems, decisions, and projects, and by clearly handing back control if they have to help.


Delayed Launch

Demonstrates the importance of letting team members experience the natural consequences of their mistakes and decisions to promote accountability and growth.

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