Collaboration 101

This introductory program helps colleagues build the skills they need to work collaboratively toward a goal. It invites learners to reflect on healthy team dynamics and on their own contributions to the group. It offers useful strategies for handling mistakes, avoiding “groupthink,” managing conflicts, and asking solution-focused questions. The program is co-developed with Jennifer Porritt, CHRL, CTDP. Jennifer is the founder and principal consultant of JP Consulting, a firm offering custom leadership training plans built on award-winning and notable tools. She brings 25+ years of experience in the Human Resources industry and has empowered more than 5,000 individuals and led more than 475 trainings.

TOPIC: Collaboration
LEVEL: Introductory
Core Skills & Behaviours
  1. Strengths-based approaches: By reflecting on their own strengths and those of colleagues, learners can appreciate everyone’s unique contributions and bring multiple perspectives into any collaborative project.
  2. Choosing the right tools and processes: To ensure that everyone can participate in collaborative processes, learners are encouraged to move beyond “opening the floor.” They consider accessibility needs and select tools and processes that ensure everyone’s voice is heard.
  3. Taking responsibility: Learners are encouraged to make meaningful contributions to collaborative projects by delivering what they commit to, and by speaking up rather than going with the flow.
  4. Getting unstuck: Collaborative processes often stall due to mistakes, conflicts, and disagreement about goals. This program equips learners with simple strategies to move through these moments while maintaining psychological safety.
Snippet Title Topic Covered


In the Weeds

Encourages reflection on what unique skills and perspectives each person contributes to the team dynamic. Positions diversity as the cornerstone of collective intelligence.


So Many Edits

Promotes the intentional inclusion of colleagues with differing viewpoints to avoid “my-side” and “our-side” bias.


The Right Tech

Emphasizes the importance of understanding the team’s needs and choosing appropriate and accessible tools and environments.


Don’t Be Shy

Suggests strategies to ensure that team members contribute roughly the same amount and are equally heard.


A Big Problem

Presents the concept of risky shift and offers strategies to identify potential gaps, risks, or problems in a group’s work.


An Extra Task

Emphasizes the importance of following through on commitments. Provides practical strategies for documenting accountabilities and managing capacity.


Rocky Start

Suggests strategies that foster psychological safety and encourage growth and risk-taking.


Outside the Box

Shows the importance of creating clear goals, roles, and plans at the outset of a collaborative project. Expectations can help us avert conflict, derive meaning, and celebrate wins.


Party or Professional?

Presents practical strategies for handling disagreements, such as stating interests or concerns instead of reiterating a position.


The Perfect Solution

Introduces the concept of groupthink and presents an inquiry activity that can help teams detect and prevent it.

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