Anti-Black Racism​

This intermediate-level program highlights the lived experiences of Black colleagues in the workplace, ranging from “inadvertent” comments to systemic hiring discrimination. It empowers learners to identify and disrupt racial discrimination, to practice allyship, and to seek system-level changes to help combat Anti-Black Racism. This program was co-created by Camille Dundas, the co-founder of and a DEI and intersectionality expert.

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This program contains 1 hour of EDI Professionalism Content.

LEVEL: Intermediate
Key Concepts
  • How to identify anti-Black racism in the workplace
  • What is white privilege?
  • What are racially-motivated stereotypes?
  • What is tokenism?
  • What are everyday forms of racial discrimination?
Core Skills & Behaviours

Impact of anti-Black racism on personal and professional relationships

  • How to know when anti-Black stereotypes are at play
  • How to address microaggressions in the workplace
  • Strategies to recognize your own biases and stereotypes
  • Reflect on the impact of anti-Black racism in work situations

Managing biases on a personal level or systemic level

  • What it means to be an ally
  • Why we rely on stereotypes
  • Practical ways to start to mitigate racist stereotypes
  • How to start a dialogue with co-workers about anti-Black racism
  • How to talk to coworkers when you observe anti-Black racism in action
Snippet Title Topic Covered


We’re So Lucky

Helps learners recognize the existence of systemic anti-Black racism, even in “good” workplaces. Demonstrates that involving leaders is necessary to create a meaningful change.


Anger On Display

Introduces learners to the concept of misogynoir – the intersection of anti-Black racism and sexism. Shows how to address the “angry black woman” stereotype.


Paul’s Promotion

Shows how ingrained racism can impact the perception of an employee’s qualifications. Encourages learners to promote the advancement of Black colleagues.


Insulted By A Leader

Demonstrates how Black employees are subject to hyper-scrutiny and more frequently reprimanded. Teaches learners to believe and support Black colleagues when they experience discrimination.


Denying White Privilege

Introduces the concept of “white privilege” and how it applies to white people regardless of status. Shows how to respond when someone denies racial injustices.


You Don’t Think I’m Racist, Do You?

Demonstrates the impact of burdening a racialized person with the task of informing others about racism. Encourages curiosity and “doing the work” of informing oneself.


David’s Idea

Shows how racial bias can affect who gets credit for good ideas at work. Encourages learners to resist “saviourism” and to support wronged colleagues in the ways they prefer.


Comforting a Co-worker

Explores possible responses to racism from a client. Shows the importance of believing Black colleagues and appropriately supporting them when they are targets of racial discrimination.


Culture Fit

Introduces the concept of code-switching and shows what employees should do when people show their true selves at work.



Outlines the impact of “subtle” or “inadvertent” forms of racism in the workplace and models how to respond when we offend someone or accidentally rely on a racist trope.

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