Just One Q podcast cover with guest Dr. Tashion Macon

Bet on Your Own Blaze

How can Black Women thrive in life and work?

Understanding lived experience is essential to breaking down the biases and boundaries Black women face. Dr. Macon emphasizes the importance of recognizing your value, negotiating effectively, and finding mentors and sponsors. She advocates for prioritizing joy and well-being, and disarming difference by putting it at the top of organizations.

On this episode of Just One Q, Dominique and special guest Dr. Tashion Macon discuss her new book Coming in Hot: A Blueprint for Black Women Setting the World Ablaze and how Black women can thrive in life and work. Dr. Macon reflects on her high-powered global entertainment and marketing career and shares wisdom that applies inside and outside the workplace.


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Dr. Tashion Macon

Culturalist, Communication + Cachet Catalyst

Dr. Tashion Macon leverages her training and experience in psychology, marketing, and popular culture to empower individuals and institutions to live their purpose, achieving peak performance and successful outcomes.

Dr. Macon had humble beginnings growing up in East St. Louis, Illinois, and her hugely successful career in marketing and branding career journey has included branding of multi-award-winning artists such as Usher, Pink, and Dr. Dre. Her visionary strategies have catapulted sales and awareness for iconic brands including the USOC Winter Olympics, Burger King, the World Cup and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Through it all, she remains convinced that spirituality is the anchor, and it’s the secret to sanity, serenity and unshakeable success.

Dr. Macon is committed to the exploration, exposition, and evolution of emotional and spiritual health and workplace wellness. She writes evocatively about the intersection of spirituality, stardom, and success and their implication on the soul and society. Dr. Tashion is committed to advancing access, agency, and ascension – one borne of experience and steeped in wit and wisdom.

Her new book, Coming in Hot: A Blueprint for Black Women Setting the World Ablaze, delves into the corporate structure with a historical and cultural lens on issues faced by Black women.


Coming in Hot: A Blueprint for Black Women Setting the World Ablaze

Dr. Tashion Macon

The Body Keeps The Score - Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Bessel van der Kolk, MD

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